History of Santorini

Santorini, also known as Thira, is one of the most famous and picturesque islands in Greece, with a history stretching back thousands of years. Located in the Aegean Sea, Santorini is part of the Cyclades group of islands and has been inhabited since prehistoric times. The island’s rich history is intertwined with its volcanic origins, which have played a significant role in shaping its landscape and culture.

Prehistoric Era:

The Prehistoric Era of Santorini, particularly the Aegean Bronze Age, is an essential period in the island’s history. This era, stretching from approximately 3000 BCE to 1600 BCE, marks the establishment of the first human settlements on the island, the development of advanced culture, and the rise of a flourishing trade network. The most significant archaeological site from this era is Akrotiri, an ancient Minoan settlement on the southern tip of Santorini. Here’s more detailed information about the prehistoric era and its importance:

1. Early Settlements and the Minoan Influence

Santorini, during the Early Bronze Age (around 3000 BCE), was home to small, self-sustaining villages. These early inhabitants were likely involved in agriculture, fishing, and rudimentary crafts. Over time, settlements grew more sophisticated, and by the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1600 BCE), Santorini developed closer ties with the Minoan civilization based on Crete. The Minoans, known for their advanced art, architecture, and trade networks, influenced the development of Santorini, and the island became an important center for trade.

2. Akrotiri: The Minoan City on Santorini

Akrotiri, the most significant archaeological site on Santorini, was a major Minoan town during the peak of the Aegean Bronze Age. The city flourished around 1600 BCE and is believed to have been a thriving port and commercial hub due to its strategic location in the Aegean Sea. Akrotiri was likely a Minoan colony, meaning it was culturally and economically connected to Crete, though it developed its own distinctive characteristics.

The Minoans of Akrotiri were skilled traders, and the city’s location allowed for easy access to the mainland of Greece, Egypt, and the Near East. Artifacts found in the city suggest that Akrotiri was a melting pot of cultural influences, including elaborate frescoes, pottery, and sculptures that display Minoan artistic techniques, as well as influences from Egypt and the Levant.

3. The Volcanic Eruption of 1600 BCE

Around 1600 BCE, a massive volcanic eruption occurred on Santorini, marking a turning point in the island’s history and the prehistoric era. This eruption, known as the Minoan eruption, was one of the most catastrophic volcanic events in history. It devastated Akrotiri, burying it under several meters of volcanic ash and pumice. The eruption destroyed much of the city, but remarkably, the thick layer of ash preserved the buildings, frescoes, and artifacts in a state of incredible preservation.

The eruption’s impact on Akrotiri is evident in the well-preserved ruins that have been uncovered by archaeologists. Buildings, furniture, pottery, and even the frescoes on the walls have been preserved, offering a snapshot of life on Santorini during the Bronze Age. The ruins include multi-story buildings, elaborate drainage systems, and streets that suggest a highly organized society with a focus on trade and communal living.

4. The Impact of the Eruption on the Minoan Civilization

The Minoan eruption had significant consequences for Santorini and the broader Aegean world. While it is unclear whether the eruption directly caused the fall of the Minoan civilization, it undoubtedly played a role in disrupting trade routes and agricultural production in the region. The island of Santorini was largely abandoned for a time following the eruption. However, it is believed that the Minoans who survived the disaster eventually migrated to other areas, and some scholars argue that the eruption contributed to the decline of the Minoan civilization on Crete as well.

The eruption likely caused climate shifts and environmental changes that impacted the surrounding areas. Some theories even suggest that the eruption’s aftermath may have led to widespread crop failures, contributing to the collapse of the Minoan political system. This event has been linked by some researchers to the biblical story of the Exodus, though this is still debated by scholars.

5. Material Culture of the Prehistoric Era

The archaeological discoveries at Akrotiri offer fascinating insights into the material culture of the prehistoric inhabitants of Santorini. The findings include:

  • Frescoes: Akrotiri’s walls were adorned with beautiful frescoes that depict vibrant scenes of nature, daily life, and ceremonial events. One of the most famous frescoes is the “Spring Fresco,” which shows swallows perched on branches and is considered one of the finest examples of Aegean art.

  • Pottery: The people of Akrotiri produced finely crafted pottery, much of which has been discovered in the ruins. This pottery features geometric patterns and motifs, and many of the vessels were used for storage and trade.

  • Sculpture and Figurines: Small sculptures and figurines made of clay and other materials were common in the Minoan settlements of Akrotiri. These items are often related to religious practices or rituals.

  • Advanced Architecture: The Minoans built multi-story houses and complex buildings that featured advanced plumbing and drainage systems, reflecting a high level of engineering skill.

  • Trade Goods: Evidence of trade connections with Egypt, Syria, and Anatolia has been found in Akrotiri, including pottery, stone vessels, and luxury items such as gold jewelry. These trade goods demonstrate that Santorini was a vital part of the broader Aegean trade network.

6. Cultural and Social Organization

The society of prehistoric Santorini appears to have been highly organized, with social classes and divisions of labor. The presence of storage facilities, workshops, and public spaces suggests that the Minoans living in Akrotiri were engaged in various crafts, including pottery-making, metalworking, and textile production. The layout of the city and the presence of public spaces imply a degree of political and religious organization. Some scholars believe that the Minoans of Akrotiri may have been ruled by a priestly or elite class who oversaw the administration of trade and religious practices.

In terms of religion, the frescoes and artifacts found at Akrotiri suggest that the Minoans practiced a polytheistic belief system. There is evidence of rituals related to fertility, nature, and possibly the sea, which were important aspects of Minoan culture. Symbols such as bulls and other animals appear frequently in the artwork, hinting at the importance of animal symbolism in Minoan religion.


The prehistoric era of Santorini, particularly during the Minoan period, represents a significant chapter in the island’s history. The eruption of 1600 BCE, while devastating, also preserved the evidence of a vibrant and advanced society that thrived on the island. Akrotiri’s archaeological remains offer a glimpse into a highly organized, trade-based civilization with remarkable achievements in art, architecture, and social organization. Today, Santorini’s prehistoric legacy continues to captivate historians, archaeologists, and tourists, making the island a key point of interest in the study of ancient Aegean civilizations.

Classical and Roman Period:


Classical and Roman Period of Santorini

The Classical and Roman periods (approximately 5th century BCE to 5th century CE) in Santorini’s history mark a transition from the island’s Minoan influence to the dominance of Greek and later Roman powers. Though Santorini’s prominence diminished after the devastating eruption of 1600 BCE, the island was still inhabited and played a part in the broader political and cultural developments of the ancient Mediterranean world.

Here’s a detailed look at Santorini during the Classical and Roman periods:

1. The Classical Period (5th – 4th Century BCE)

After the eruption of 1600 BCE, which led to the decline of Minoan civilization on Santorini, the island was largely abandoned for a period of time. However, by the 9th century BCE, Greek settlers began to repopulate the island, marking the Classical period as an era of reestablishment and growth.

a) Greek Influence and Settlement

By the 5th century BCE, Santorini (known as Thira in antiquity) had become part of the larger Greek world. The island was likely a member of the Athenian-led Delian League, which was a political and military alliance formed to protect Greek city-states from Persian aggression. As a member of this league, Santorini enjoyed both economic and cultural ties with Athens and other Greek cities. Its location in the Aegean Sea made it an important hub for maritime trade and navigation.

The island’s strategic position also helped in the cultivation of important agricultural products like wine and wheat, which were exported across the Aegean region. Additionally, Santorini’s natural beauty and geographical features made it a popular destination for travelers and traders.

b) Social and Cultural Developments

During this period, Santorini adopted the art and cultural practices of the Classical Greek world, including the development of temples, sculpture, and public buildings. The island saw the construction of religious structures dedicated to the gods, particularly Apollo and Poseidon, which were common deities in many Aegean island cultures.

The inhabitants of Santorini were also engaged in various forms of trade, notably in wine. The island’s volcanic soil provided ideal conditions for growing grapes, and the wine produced here was highly sought after by traders and merchants across the ancient Mediterranean.

2. The Hellenistic Period (4th – 2nd Century BCE)

The Hellenistic period began after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE. While Santorini was not one of the major centers of power during this era, it was still part of the broader Hellenistic world.

a) Influence of Alexander the Great’s Empire

After Alexander’s conquests, Greek culture and influence spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean and into Asia. Santorini, though not at the forefront of these cultural exchanges, benefitted from this period of Greek cultural expansion. The Hellenistic era saw increased trade in luxury goods, including artwork, ceramics, and wine, which were in demand across the Mediterranean world.

During this time, the island was under the influence of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt and the Seleucid Empire in Asia, two major Hellenistic powers. These foreign influences brought new artistic, architectural, and cultural practices to Santorini.

3. The Roman Period (1st Century BCE – 5th Century CE)

By the 1st century BCE, the Roman Republic was expanding throughout the Mediterranean and eventually conquered the Greek world. Santorini fell under Roman control in 146 BCE, when Greece became part of the Roman Empire. The Roman period marked the peak of Santorini’s integration into the Mediterranean trade networks and its flourishing as a center for wine production.

a) Roman Rule and Administration

Under Roman rule, Santorini (Thira) was part of the Roman province of Achaea, which included most of the Greek mainland and many of the Greek islands. The Romans maintained a system of local governance, and Santorini continued to have its own local leaders and councils, though they were ultimately subject to Roman authority. During this time, the island enjoyed relative prosperity, largely due to its continued role in agriculture and trade.

The Roman era also marked the construction of several important infrastructure projects on the island, such as roads, aqueducts, and harbors, which facilitated the movement of goods and people. The port of Thira likely became an important hub for trade during this period.

b) Roman Influence on Culture

The Romans were heavily influenced by Greek culture, and this influence can be seen in Santorini during the Roman period. The art, architecture, and religion of the Romans on the island were heavily inspired by their Greek predecessors. For example, while Greek temples dedicated to gods like Apollo and Poseidon existed, Roman influence is seen in the construction of more monumental structures, such as baths and amphitheaters.

Roman domestic architecture also left its mark, with the introduction of more elaborate homes, villas, and villas with peristyle courtyards (open courtyards surrounded by columns). Santorini’s trade goods, especially wine, continued to be exported across the Roman Empire, further integrating the island into the Roman economic system.

4. Wine Production and Economy

The importance of wine production on Santorini was solidified during the Roman period. The island’s volcanic soil made it an ideal location for vineyards, and Santorini became renowned for its wine, which was highly prized throughout the Roman Empire. Wine amphorae (large clay vessels used for storing wine) have been found in numerous archaeological digs, indicating the scale of wine production and trade on the island. Wine from Santorini was likely exported to Roman cities such as Rome, Alexandria, and other important Mediterranean centers.

5. Christianity and the Decline of Paganism

By the 4th century CE, the Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity as its state religion under Emperor Constantine the Great. The influence of Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, and Santorini, like many other parts of the Roman world, gradually transitioned from traditional pagan religions to Christianity. Evidence of early Christian presence in Santorini can be seen in the remains of churches and basilicas on the island.

The Roman period also saw the decline of the island’s previous pagan worship of gods such as Apollo and Poseidon, as Christianity gradually took hold. The transition to Christianity marks the final shift in Santorini’s religious practices.

6. Decline and Transition

By the 5th century CE, the Roman Empire began to decline, and Santorini, like many parts of the Mediterranean, saw a reduction in its economic activity and cultural prominence. The decline of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire) eventually led to a new era in Santorini’s history. The Byzantine period marked the end of the Roman era and the beginning of a new phase of rule for the island.


The Classical and Roman periods in Santorini’s history were transformative. While the island never reached the heights of other Aegean powers, it remained a prosperous and culturally vibrant part of the Mediterranean world. The influence of Greek and Roman culture, coupled with Santorini’s role in trade and agriculture (especially wine), ensured that the island was integrated into the broader economies of the ancient Mediterranean. The remains of the Roman period can still be seen today in the island’s archaeological sites, from its ancient temples and theaters to the continued importance of its wine production.

Byzantine and Medieval Period:​

Byzantine and Medieval Period of Santorini

The Byzantine and Medieval periods (roughly from the 4th century CE to the 15th century CE) were pivotal in shaping Santorini’s identity, as the island transitioned from Roman rule to Christianization and eventual occupation by various powers. These eras saw the decline of the ancient pagan religions, the rise of Christianity, the influence of the Byzantine Empire, and the establishment of feudal and Venetian control. Santorini’s strategic location, fertile lands, and proximity to key trade routes made it an important, though sometimes contested, island in the Mediterranean.

1. The Byzantine Period (4th – 12th Century CE)

a) Transition to Christianity

The Byzantine period began with the division of the Roman Empire into the Eastern and Western Roman Empires in 395 CE. Santorini, along with the rest of Greece, became part of the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire. Christianity had already begun to spread across the Roman Empire by this time, and in 380 CE, Emperor Theodosius I declared Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. The Byzantine Empire continued this policy, promoting Christian worship and gradually suppressing pagan practices.

Santorini, like many other regions in the Byzantine world, saw the gradual rise of Christianity as the dominant religion. Pagan temples were abandoned or repurposed, and Christian churches began to appear across the island. Archaeological evidence suggests that early Christian basilicas were built, marking the transition from classical Greco-Roman religious practices to the Christianization of the island.

One of the most significant transformations in Santorini during this period was the building of churches and monasteries, which became the center of religious and community life. The Byzantine Empire was known for its construction of churches with distinct architectural styles, including the use of domes and intricate mosaics. Many of these churches still survive on Santorini today, particularly in the towns of Fira and Oia, with their characteristic Byzantine influence.

b) The Island Under Byzantine Control

Under the Byzantine Empire, Santorini continued to be part of the Byzantine province of the Aegean Islands. While it was not one of the largest or wealthiest islands in the empire, its strategic location in the Aegean Sea made it an important point of trade and defense. It played a role in maritime trade, linking the Byzantine world with regions like Asia Minor, Egypt, and Italy.

The Byzantines also fortified Santorini’s settlements, building defensive structures, including fortresses and walls, to protect the island from external threats, particularly from Arab invasions in the 7th and 8th centuries. As the Arab Caliphates expanded across the Mediterranean, many Greek islands, including Santorini, faced periods of invasions and raids. These external threats contributed to the militarization and fortification of the island.

c) Economic and Social Life

During the Byzantine period, Santorini’s economy continued to be based on agriculture, with wine production being a significant part of the island’s exports. The volcanic soil provided an excellent environment for growing grapes, and Santorini’s wine was highly regarded throughout the Byzantine Empire.

The island’s maritime trade also flourished during the Byzantine period. It served as an important point for trade between the Greek mainland, Asia Minor, and Egypt, connecting Santorini to the broader Byzantine economic system.

However, life in Santorini during the Byzantine period was not without challenges. The island frequently faced pirate raids, particularly from Arab and Turkish forces, who targeted islands in the Aegean Sea due to their strategic locations. These raids led to the construction of fortresses and the fortification of towns and churches to protect inhabitants and their valuables.

2. The Medieval Period (12th – 15th Century CE)

By the 12th century, the Byzantine Empire was in decline, and Santorini’s role in the Aegean changed significantly with the rise of new powers. In the medieval period, Santorini was contested between various regional powers, including the Venetians, who would ultimately gain control of the island.

a) Venetian Rule (1204 – 1579)

After the Fourth Crusade in 1204 CE, the Byzantine Empire was weakened, and its territories were divided among the crusading powers. The Venetians, who played a prominent role in the Crusade, gained control of many Aegean islands, including Santorini, which became part of the Duchy of the Archipelago. This period marked the beginning of Venetian rule, which would last until the late 16th century.

Under Venetian control, Santorini became a key part of the Venetian maritime trade network. The island was strategically important due to its location between the Greek mainland and the islands of Asia Minor, and its role as a stopover point for merchants and travelers in the eastern Mediterranean. The Venetians established fortifications, including castles and watchtowers, to defend the island from pirates and other naval threats.

During Venetian rule, Santorini saw the construction of large defensive walls and fortresses on the island, especially in the town of Oia and Fira. These structures were designed to protect the island’s inhabitants and their wealth from the frequent pirate raids that plagued the Aegean Sea.

The Venetians also encouraged the development of vineyards and wine production, further solidifying Santorini’s reputation as a center of wine trade. During the medieval period, Santorini’s wine was in high demand, and it was exported to Venice, Italy, and other Mediterranean regions.

b) Social and Religious Changes

Under Venetian rule, the Christian church continued to play a significant role in the island’s social and religious life. Catholicism became the dominant form of Christianity, and the Venetians built several Catholic churches, often in the Gothic architectural style, which contrasted with the earlier Byzantine churches. Many of these churches were dedicated to saints and the Virgin Mary, and they became central to the religious life of Santorini’s inhabitants.

The Orthodox Christian population of Santorini continued to follow the Greek Orthodox faith, and monasteries and churches built in earlier Byzantine times remained in use. Religious tensions between the Catholic Venetians and the Orthodox population were common, and many of the churches on Santorini reflect this dual religious influence.

c) Decline of Venetian Rule and Transition to Ottoman Control

In the late 16th century, the Ottoman Empire began its expansion into the eastern Mediterranean. By 1579, the Ottomans had successfully taken control of Santorini, bringing an end to Venetian rule. This marked the start of a new era of Ottoman dominance, which lasted for several centuries.

3. Legacy of the Byzantine and Medieval Periods

The Byzantine and Medieval periods left a lasting legacy on Santorini. Many of the churches, fortresses, and settlements built during these eras are still visible today. The Byzantine and medieval fortifications in places like Oia and Fira remain key features of the island’s landscape, offering insight into the island’s defensive needs during times of conflict.

The island’s Christian heritage also remains an important part of Santorini’s cultural identity, with numerous Orthodox churches and monasteries scattered across the island. The most famous church, Panagia Episkopi, dates back to the 11th century and is a prime example of Byzantine architecture and art.

Additionally, Santorini’s wine culture was solidified during these periods. Venetian rule helped develop the island’s export economy, ensuring that Santorini’s wine would become known across the Mediterranean and beyond.


The Byzantine and Medieval periods of Santorini were transformative for the island, as it shifted from Roman control to Byzantine rule and eventually became a center of Venetian power in the Aegean. Christianity and the building of churches and monasteries played a key role in shaping the island’s culture and identity. Despite being under constant threat of pirates, Santorini thrived as a vital part of trade networks, particularly for wine production, and its fortifications and religious heritage remain integral to its identity today.

Ottoman Rule and Modern Era:

Ottoman Rule and Modern Era of Santorini

Santorini’s history during the Ottoman period and its transition into the Modern era is marked by changes in political power, cultural influence, and significant economic development. The Ottoman period brought Santorini under the control of the Ottoman Empire for several centuries, followed by its eventual inclusion in the modern Greek state in the 19th century. These periods were crucial in shaping the island’s current identity and role in the world today.

1. The Ottoman Period (1579 – 1821)

a) The Ottomans Take Control

The Ottoman Empire began its conquest of the eastern Mediterranean in the mid-16th century. In 1579, the Ottomans captured Santorini, ending the Venetian rule that had lasted for more than two centuries. Although the Venetians had built fortifications and fostered the island’s prosperity, the Ottomans now controlled Santorini as part of their larger conquest of the Aegean and the Greek islands.

Santorini was placed under the governance of the Ottoman province of the Aegean Islands. Under Ottoman rule, the island’s inhabitants were granted a degree of autonomy in exchange for paying taxes and acknowledging Ottoman sovereignty. The population of Santorini, which was predominantly Greek Orthodox, continued their way of life, but now under the oversight of Ottoman officials.

b) Social and Religious Life Under the Ottomans

While the Ottomans officially ruled over Santorini, they allowed the local population to maintain their religious practices. The Greek Orthodox Church continued to be an essential part of the island’s life, and the churches and monasteries from the Byzantine and Venetian periods remained in use. The Ottomans imposed their own religious hierarchy, but the Greek Orthodox Church retained influence in local affairs. The islanders, as part of the larger Christian community in the Ottoman Empire, were subject to the millet system, which allowed non-Muslim communities to govern themselves in matters related to religion and education.

One of the unique features of Ottoman rule in Santorini was the relatively peaceful coexistence between the Greek Orthodox population and the few Muslim residents. The Muslim population primarily consisted of Ottoman administrators, merchants, and a small group of converts. As was typical under the Ottoman Empire, the island’s Orthodox Christian population lived alongside Muslims, with the Ottoman authorities ensuring some degree of social harmony.

c) Economy and Maritime Trade

During the Ottoman period, Santorini’s economy was mainly based on agriculture, trade, and maritime activities. Wine production, a major part of the island’s economy, continued to thrive due to the island’s volcanic soil, which was ideal for vineyards. Santorini’s Assyrtiko wine became famous, and the island’s export economy grew, particularly in wine, agricultural products, and salt. The island’s ports were active centers of maritime trade, and the Santorini merchants began to gain wealth and influence in the region.

Santorini’s merchant class became prosperous during the 18th century, and the island’s residents engaged in trade with the Ottoman Empire, Venice, Egypt, and other Mediterranean powers. Santorini’s ships were used to transport goods to and from major trading centers, including Constantinople (Istanbul) and the Levant. This trading activity helped Santorini retain a relatively high degree of autonomy and influence, particularly in the region’s maritime economy.

d) Piracy and Decline in the Early 19th Century

While the Ottoman rule in Santorini was relatively stable for much of the period, the island faced challenges in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Piracy was rampant in the Aegean Sea, and Santorini, with its wealth from trade, was not immune to the threat. Ottoman control over the Aegean became less effective as the Ottoman Empire’s power waned, and local communities, including Santorini, had to rely more on self-defense and economic resilience.

As the Ottoman Empire entered its decline, many Greek islands, including Santorini, began to embrace the idea of Greek independence. Tensions grew, leading to the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence in 1821.

2. The Greek War of Independence and the End of Ottoman Rule

The Greek War of Independence (1821-1829) was a major conflict in which the Greek people fought for their independence from the Ottoman Empire. Santorini, like many other Greek islands, was caught up in this struggle.

a) Santorini’s Involvement in the War of Independence

Santorini, as part of the larger Greek revolt against the Ottomans, joined the cause for independence. However, the island was not a major battlefield. It did, however, contribute soldiers and resources to the struggle. Santorini’s wealthy merchant class played a key role in funding the war, using their connections with other Mediterranean trading centers to gather support for the Greek cause.

Santorini’s participation in the independence movement was largely non-violent, but the island did face attacks and periodic unrest as the Ottoman Empire sought to maintain control. Santorini’s involvement in the naval aspect of the war was significant, with local ships and sailors participating in the struggle for independence.

b) End of Ottoman Rule and the Greek State

After the success of the Greek War of Independence, Santorini officially became part of the newly established Kingdom of Greece in 1830. The Ottoman Empire formally ceded control of the island, and Santorini transitioned into the newly unified Greek state, marking the end of Ottoman rule.

3. The Modern Era (19th Century – Present)

a) The 19th and Early 20th Centuries: Growth and Development

Following the establishment of the Kingdom of Greece, Santorini underwent significant social and economic changes. The Greek state worked to stabilize and modernize its islands, including Santorini. The island continued to thrive in agriculture, particularly in wine production, and its merchants remained influential in the Greek economy.

Santorini’s trade with the Mediterranean and beyond continued to flourish. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the island’s economy expanded, particularly with the rise of tourism as a key economic sector. The Aegean Sea became a significant travel route, and Santorini’s beauty, historic sites, and unique culture attracted more visitors.

b) The 20th Century: Tourism and Economic Transformation

The mid-20th century saw Santorini’s identity shift more toward tourism, which began to take a prominent role in the island’s economy. The unique landscape created by the volcanic caldera and the famous sunset views of Santorini made it a desirable destination for travelers, especially after World War II. The island’s population began to shift from agriculture to tourism-related industries, with many Santorini residents opening hotels, restaurants, and shops to cater to visitors.

The island’s population also experienced changes during this period, as many people migrated to larger cities or abroad for better opportunities, especially in the wake of the destruction caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes. Nonetheless, Santorini maintained its strong sense of cultural identity, which combined both Byzantine and Venetian influences, as well as its longstanding traditions in wine-making and shipbuilding.

c) The 21st Century: International Recognition and Preservation

Today, Santorini is recognized as one of the most iconic travel destinations in the world. The island’s unique architecture, featuring whitewashed buildings with blue domes, its volcanic landscape, and its world-famous sunsets draw millions of visitors each year. Santorini is also considered a significant archaeological site, with historical sites like the ancient ruins of Akrotiri attracting scholars and tourists alike.

Santorini’s economy is now predominantly based on tourism, with the local wine industry continuing to be an important part of the island’s cultural heritage. Efforts to preserve its unique architecture, landscapes, and cultural traditions have made Santorini a model for sustainable tourism in Greece.


Santorini’s history through the Ottoman period and into the Modern era reflects a dynamic transition from Ottoman control to Greek independence and ultimately to the flourishing of the island as a key player in global tourism. While it faced many challenges, including piracy, earthquakes, and political upheavals, Santorini’s natural beauty, rich history, and cultural heritage have allowed it to maintain its place as one of the most beloved destinations in the world today. The island’s unique combination of ancient ruins, Byzantine and Venetian influences, and its modern tourism economy ensure that Santorini remains a vibrant and vital part of both Greek and world history.

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